More of my Fabulous ePals
Here's my new ePal, P.T.
vonFirstenbirdie. Uncle Ed "vonFirstenbirdie" is making
guacamole while P.T. oversees the whole thing. They live in
San Francisco, California, and P.T. thinks Rio's very pretty.
Rio loves to get email from other birdies and squirrels,
too. Thanks so much, and Rio says that 'P.T. is about
the prettiest parakeet she's ever seen'! |
Here are two of my cutie
little rat epals named Summer and Autumn. Aren't they
precious! Autumn is standing up to say hi to me and Summer's
busy licking her foot, upside down. They are the babies of two of
my friends in London, England, named Mark and believe it or not,
Squirrel! She legally has the name Squirrel which I
think is SUPER! She loves me, Sugar Bush, and is an active
member on my web site. She's even written in to help me
save Nic! Thanks so much for all of
your nice emails and support in my efforts. I
love having little rat ePals because they have cute little feet and
faces like I do...and they are rodents like I am, too. |
Meet Jess and Steven
and their menagerie of animals. Jess is a licensed wildlife
rehabber and together they have saved many animals' lives.
They are a Scottish family who live in the great state of
Kentucky. Here is the story of Lego, their darling squirrel,
and Stinky Pete, their little skunk, and how they were
rescued. Lego had fallen from his tree when he was about 3 days old. A beagle had scooped him up in his mouth, ever
so tenderly, and brought him to his owner, who then called us. After
a bout of pneumonia because of being out of his nest so long, he has fully
recovered and is our education program squirrel because he is totally blind in
his left eye and has very limited vision in his right. But that
doesn't mean he can't see Sugar Bush! You bet, Lego! I love you and I've got your
picture hanging on my pin-up board, too! Stinky joined our little troupe because a family was moving a
big outbuilding and had disturbed a mother skunk's
nest. The family called, and we let them know that the mother would come back for her
babies. Well, she came back for everyone but Stinky! So...
seeing as how Stinky needed a new family (as he was only a couple days old as well
and very cold), how were we to refuse such a cute little guy? Thanks so
much, guys, for sharing your wonderful story and helping all of my
fellow animals...we appreciate it so
much!!! Here are some great
photos of my whole, Kentucky,
ePal gang: L-R Top: Lego as a
baby, Lego goes Western, Lego as Dracula L-R Bottom: Sleepy
Ruby, Baby Deer, Stinky Pete |
Now we
go over to Scotland to meet Erebus, my new little rat ePal.
He lives in Glasgow in bonny Scotland with his mom,
Alexa. She's studying opera and thinks that Sugar Bush should
make an opera cameo appearance in the future. We
want to wish Erebus a speedy recovery, as he hasn't been feeling
well lately, but we know he'll be fine. You can tell that he
is very spoiled and loved! Thanks Erebus, and you and Alexa,
keep in touch and get well soon! |
Here's another one of
my beautiful bird ePals. This is Peaches. He is a male,
Moloccan Cockatoo who is 28 years old. He lives with 2
cats, 2 degus, Shelby the Wonder Dog and their mom, Robin, way up
in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They love Rio, my big
sister, and want to see more pictures of her. So, just for
you, Peaches, below is a new photo of Rio. Wow, maybe
you'd like to email Rio a love note sometime. She'd like
that! |
Rio says, "Hi,
Peaches. Send me a note sometime!" |
My next
ePal's photo was taken by Scott Alan Johnson, who has spent the
last 2 years photographing squirrels and chipmunks in and around
Cleveland, Ohio. My ePal 'photograper squirrel' is
named Carl (named after Karl Malden, the actor, because the first
time Scott saw him, his nose was covered in mud and looked
larger than normal). Carl lives
in an old oak tree in the Cleveland MetroParks near The
Rocky River. He
likes photography and plans to enter the Cleveland School
of Nature
Photography as soon as they open up a campus near his
tree. Squirrels
don't have pockets so Carl can't carry a bus pass. Here Carl
is using his
old Shalco 17mm film camera. The camera is just the right
size for Carl to
carry over his sholder (with tripod) and still be able to
run up a tree
when chased by some barking dog. Next time
you hike the park trails you may hear the sound of a
little camera
shutter. If you do, your picture may end up in a photo
gallery called "The
Hollow Tree". Carl is an Eastern Fox Squirrel and is a wild
animal. I, Sugar
Bush Squirrel, would love to do a photo shoot with you, Carl.
You're really handsome! Keep in touch because I want to
see your photo book when it's finished. |
All of
you squirrel lovers will appreciate this next ePal of mine. I
call her Snowflake and she's a rare albino squirrel who lives on
the campus of the University of Kent in Canterbury, England.
My ePal Paul of Devon, United Kingdom, sent me these photos of
my ol' friend, Snowflake, to let me know that she is
doing ok back in Canterbury. Thanks, Paul. I'm so glad
to know that Snowflake is still living in that big,
giant tree on campus and doing great!!! Send me more
photos of her if you happen to go by there...I really like
her. |
Hi there, I'm
Sugar Bush's ePal, Squirrely Lou, and this is my big sister,
Regina. We live in Seattle, Washington. I love to swing
in my sister's backyard. She's really nice to me, too,
because she fills me up with nuts and seeds and then plays swingin'
with me all day....Weeeeee..... |
are my epals Jennifer and Cody from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cody's
nickname for his wife, Jennifer, is 'Squirrel'. He
named her that because of her cute little squirrelly cheeks.
That's really cute! Below
are my 3 new doggie epals that belong to Jen and Cody. Left
to right: Barney and Betty the Beagles, and Lucy the Lab
mix. Thanks for sharing these photos with me for my epal page
and thanks for the fabulous emails from all of you! |
my newest ePal, Mz. Foxy Brown. She's lucky to have a mom who
takes great photos because her whole life is chronicled in
pictures. Mz. Foxy was rescued from a tree that was being cut
down with her nest in it. That's the same way I, Sugar Bush,
was rescued! Mz. Foxy loves to travel, too, and has been to
California, the beach, and loves to run up and down oak
trees. Recently she had a fall from a palm tree but her human
sister caught her! She
loves to watch TV, especially Ellen Degeneres, and hangs out in
her mom's and big sister's home office while they work
during the day. If Mz. Foxy feels that she's not getting the
attention she desires, she comes up and bites one of them on the
toe. That'll work! Thanks
Mz. Foxy for the photos and the funny stories to go with
them. It's great to have an ePal who's just like I am...a
cute, cuddly Eastern Gray! |
Next, to round out ePal page 4, are my
newest epals from Jacksonville, Florida. Gwen and her 4 cute little dogs are all decked
out for their ePal photos! The first two photos are Gwen on
the left and Zoey posing perfectly on the right. Below you'll
see Scooby being crowned most beautiful doggie, then Arizona
relaxes on a satin bed spread on the
right. Underneath is a photo of little FSBO...what a
cutie pie. I just love having little dogs for ePals because
they have so much personality and are so much fun. You can
tell these guys love to pose for photos and, you know me, I love
photos!!! Thanks, Gwen, for all of these fun pictures
to add to my ePal pages. |