My ePals Page 6 To start out this next ePal page, I begin with Karmyn and
Jonathan Korte. They are from Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Karmyn works in a pharmacy and Jonny works with his family business
at www.EsscoIncorporated.com. They love my web site and they just love squirrels in
general. I have chosen their wedding photo, which is just
beautiful, and I am proud to have them as my new
Hey, look
here, it's Kelly, the 4 year old Eastern Gray Squirrel, who owns a
human mommy named Bonnie West in Hanson, Kentucky. Kelly
looks beautiful and regal. That's because her full name is
'Princess Grace Kelly Belly Full of Jelly Never Smelly Her
Squirrelness' Wow! Glad they shortened it to
Kelly. THAT I can remember...I wonder
why???!!! |
Here's a really cute photo of Lucky the Squirrel.
Jim Todd sent this photo in and you can tell that Lucky is indeed a
lucky little squirrel because it looks as if he's in good
hands of someone who really loves him and knows what to do.
Thanks, Jim, for making Lucky my new ePal! |
I'd like to introduce to all of you, Violet the Flying
Squirrel. She's my newest ePal and I love her a lot!
Her mom and dad are Lacey and Jed. Jed's a Navy
Firefighter. He's really brave and I'm proud that he and his
wife like my web site. Both Lacey and Jed love squirrels a
lot. They even found a statue of two squirrels holding hands
to put on their wedding cake! I hope you'll send me
more photos of Violet real soon!!! |
Here is my
beautiful ePal Elisa, her handsome fiance Angelo and her
precious cat Thomas. |
Great news
from Elisa and Angelo... Angelo
surprised Elisa, October 22, 2006, with a barrage of roses and
cards and a gorgeous diamond and topaz engagement ring. The
wedding date is set for October 7, 2007. "Congrats to
both of you from Sugar Bush Squirrel and I'm proud to have such a
cute couple as my ePals!!!" |
Elisa writes to Kelly and me
and is always an inspiration to us. Here is a quote from
her email she sent with her photos. Please check out her web
site. It's really nice! Hi! My name is Elisa
Sangiorgio. Please check out my website at
http://www.elisasjourney.com. I live to tell the good news
of Christ and pray that my poems and stories, which you can read on
my site, reach out to people in need. Jesus has been my source of
strength through every situation. Without Him, I don't know where
I'd be or what I'd do. He has renewed my faith time and time again,
and given me hope and strength at times were I thought I had none.
I also enjoy reading, writing short stories, and have one novel
finished, and I began part two and have yet to finish it. Here are
some pictures of me, my boyfriend and my adorable cat, Thomas. Both
are a true blessing from God! Thanks,
Elisa. Keep up the good work and don't forget to
keep sending us photos! |