More of my Wonderful ePals
to my newest, precious ePals from the United
Kingdom. They
are from left to right: Sooty
the rabbit, Tigger the cat, Guinea Pigs Princess and Angel, Sweep
the rabbit They
all live with Robert in peaceful Tyne and Wear which is in the
United Kingdom in a place called Newcastle upon Tyne.
Look how clean their cages are. WOW! Good job and
thanks, Robert! |
Pretty Birdie! This is Shamus, my Cinnamon Green
Cheek Conure ePal from Massachusetts, in the USA. Shamus
thinks my costumes are wicked cute. I think you're wicked
cute, too, Shamus! Rio says to tell you hello from
her. |
now, back we go, over to Cornwall England to say hi to my ePal,
Ben, seen here on his uncle's monkey bike. Notice Ben always
wears his helmet. That's a good safety tip for all of you
kids out there. Thanks, Ben! |
Click on the mailbox to send your photos to me for my ePal
pages |
While we're over in the UK, let us stop in and say hi
to my new little fuzzy ePal Cyril, the English Squirrel, and
Tom. Cyril is too busy eating to say anything but you can
tell that he's happy. Tom is a poet and photographer.
Check out one of his fabulous poems on my page
called 'Out on a Limbrick'. Thanks, Tom,
for helping to get the word out, that all of us in the wild need a
helping hand, to preserve our natural
habitat. |
Occasionally I have ePals who are
a mystery for a reason. This cute little fox squirrel ePal of
mine is named Punkin and her mom is Renee. Their
whereabouts has to remain a mystery because of laws in certain
places where having a pet squirrel is not permitted.
I would never want to get my little ePals in trouble so I
would never reveal their whereabouts even if I knew,
which I don't. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
I do know that Punkin just turned 7. Happy birthday to my new
little buddy, Punkin! |
another one of my mystery ePals. These two cute photos
are of Sunny. Her real name is Sunshine and she's a 4
year old fox squirrel who also lives in a state where it's illegal
to have a pet squirrel. This is really making me mad! I love being
with my human mom and I don't see a doggone thing wrong with
it. Maybe I, Sugar Bush
Squirrel-The Superstar Squirrel, should try to get the government
to make it legal in all states for people to have pet
squirrels. I've sure
got the nuts to give it a
try!!! Then Punkin and Sunny could tell us
where they live. |
To finish up my third ePal page, I'd like to introduce
all of you to Starsky, the Rat, from over in the United
Kingdom. Wow, and a fine handsome rodent he is! Here's what
Andy, his dad, had to say about my web site: Thank you very
much for brightening up my day with your excellent site. More
people should do the same to put a bit more happiness into the
world. Thanks so much, Andy, and it's gonna be fun having
Starsky as one of my new ePals!